The Future 4.0 Smart Learning Model & Platform

The Naval Industry, Shipbuilding and the related supply chain in Adriatic-Ionian region are facing great challenges, looking toward the significant transformation of manufacturing industry, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, that involves the entire value chain process with effects on production, intercompany relations and human capital development.

The solution is to implement new technologies brought by the Industry 4.0 such as Cyber Security, Augmented Reality, Big Data and Analytics, Advanced Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Cloud Computing. Future 4.0 project responds to the current challenges of the manufacturing industry of the shipyard and nautical logistic supply chain by developing a Smart Learning Model, as experimental methodology to support the sector transition toward Industry 4.0 and break barriers to innovation.

The FUTURE 4.0 Smart Learning Model has experimented the approach of the “knowledge transfer for innovation” by implementing Local Pilot Actions in Veneto, Apulia, Dytiki Ellada (EL), Jadranska Hrvatska Region (HR) and Albania which reached and actively involved 133 companies – mostly SMEs, belonging to the Naval Industry, the Shipbuilding and the related supply chain (39 in Veneto Region, 30 in Apulia, 23 in Dytiki Ellada, 15 in Jadranska Hrvatska and 20 in Albania). Each Local Pilot Action implemented and activated experimental knowledge transfer company and inter-company interventions on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), at three levels of:

  1. AWARENESS of the importance of tecnologies 4.0 (8 hours);
  2. ACQUISITION of knowledge and competence (16 hours);
  3. TRANSFORMATION, applied knowledge into specific firm, operating in the naval and shipyard sector, of selected 4.0 technologies for the innovation of products, processes and logistics (32 hours).

The FUTURE 4.0 experimented also the Teaching Factory paradigm, as innovative methodology for the development of Smart Learning Model, and the FUTURE 4.0 Platform which has been designed as supporting tool and collaborative e-learning in the technologies 4.0 for the implementation of the experimental actions foreseen within the Local Pilot Actions.

Knowledge transfer for Innovation

The FUTURE 4.0 Smart Learning Model is based and experimented the “knowledge transfer for innovation” approach in over 100 companies active and operating in the Naval Industry, the Shipbuilding and the related supply chain, by the implementation of 5 Local Pilot Actions activating company and intercompany interventions with focus on 4.0 technologies.

Teaching Factory Paradigm for 4.0

“The Teaching Factory Paradigm”, developed by the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS), Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics – University of Patras, is an innovative knowledge delivery mechanism introducing a paradigm shift to the manufacturing education integrating education, research and innovation activities.

FUTURE 4.0 Platform

The FUTURE 4.0 Platform is a supporting tool and collaborative e-learning in the 4.0 technologies, developed within the project accompanying the knowledge and technology transfers company and inter-company interventions implemented in the Local Pilot Actions.