Third Approach

Pilot actions had a common structure in the five different areas. In each LPA it was planned to encompass:

  • A Dissemination seminar on FUTURE 4.0 project for public administration, Universities/research centres and training institutions, companies;
  • AWARENESS company or intercompany interventions (8 h.) aimed to spread the technological megatrends and the knowledge transfer based on the Research results & key methodologies applied by the Polytechnic of Bari
  • ACQUISITION company or intercompany interventions (16 h.)
  • TRANSFORMATION company or intercompany interventions (32h) as customized actions for the applied knowledge innovation of products, processes and logistics of the shipyard sector and its supply chain with a view to Industry 4.0.

Transversally in each region were undertaken actions aimed at the revision of at least 4 professional profiles in each region according to the local/ regional/national Qualification system.

In total, 105 companies were planned to be involved in LAPs: 35 in Veneto, 30 in Apulia, 20 in Western Greece, 10 in Croatia and 10 in Albania. As a matter of fact, 132 companies were reached in the LAPs. As for the contents, the Local Pilot Actions were based on the Analysis of emerging industrial needs and competences, implementing specific learning types, strategies and methods, corresponding to enterprises, including different methods and techni­ques to prepare employees to cope with challenges in Industry 4.0. 

In Veneto LPA

were realized 4 AWARENESS workshops/webinars: 1. Digital Technologies 4.0 for the naval industry, shipbuilding and the related supply chain; 2. Logistics & Digital Technologies for boating, shipbuilding and supply chain; 3. Innovative Design & Technologies 4.0; 4. Industry 4.0: Robotics & Augmented reality. The 4 ACQUISITION company interventions were indeed provided a Roadshow on 4.0 technologies. Differently 2 TRANSFORMATION company interventions were focused on Logistic flow & ICT Logistic management; 1 on Logistic, Human Resources Development and Cybersecurity and another on Cybersecurity for internal process management.

In Apulia the LAP

was based on the conviction that the transmission of Industry 4.0 skills can foster a conscious transi­tion to an approach that requires multiple changes at the same time: data must be enhanced to extract information; introducing smarter systems into the company to avoid production defaults; choose the most valid technological solutions to manage various processes, also focusing on the right customization rate. As for specific con­tents, the LAP dealt with I 4.0 technologies and methodologies, bringing out possible applications for the involved companies.

In Western Greece the LAP

was about the actions for Blue growth in the region. These actions encompassed a focus on a basic knowledge of the 6 KETs of Industry 4.0, the possible application to local companies, the implementation of selected KETs to specific product or process innovation.

In Croatia the LAP

was based on the 6 KETs of Industry 4.0 with a specific focus on Big data analytics. In fact, Cloud systems that manage Big data that include important information are esteemed necessary to develop technical criteria and organizational security in order to avoid data protection malfunction that can result in huge and expensive harm. Big data analytics can provide benefits to enterprises and organi­zations in the maritime sector by solving many problems in government, telecommunication, insurance, education, energy, retail, transportation, manufacturing and healthcare.

In Albania the LPA

plan aimed at raising awareness of public and private actors, research and technology transfer institutions, business organizations and enterprises, civil society organizations about the benefits that In­dustry 4.0 brings, providing personalized services to enterprises operating in the maritime transport sector to develop new skills in the three levels of technicians, en­gineers and managers. Besides the knowledge on the six KETs, the LAP encompassed a focus on the main technological megatrends in Green Manufacturing and Logistics and the impact on professional profiles and skills.


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