Fourth Result
During the WPT1, the theoretical and practical study of the Industry 4.0 situation in the Adriatic-Ionian area has been carried out. Through the research, interesting results were collected, especially during the interviews carried out within the company, where it has been possible to see more closely the real technological and economic situation of the respective territory.
Following the analysis conducted within the WPT1, this last phase wants to go to validate the obtained results, turning once again to the companies of the various involved territories, trying to create reference targets to carry out the research and make that Industry 4.0 takes root in the territory. The partners have turned to companies in different ways, that is through meetings or by involving them electronically, pursuing the common objective of validating the results obtained and capturing future objectives in the Industry 4.0 field.

The last part of WP2T1 concerns with the validation of the results obtained from the research and the technical methodology carried out, turning once again the results to the companies of the various involved territories. The partners have turned to companies in different ways: through meetings or by involving them electronically, pursuing the common objective of validating the results obtained and capturing future objectives in the Industry 4.0 field.
During the first phases of the research (Activity 1.2), 29 companies have been reached during the companies interview phase, and in addition to these, more than other ten companies in the focus group phase, as showed in the following paragraph. As for the main results and feedback from the companies, for privacy issues, please refer to the deliverable 1.4.1.