Innovative design & technology 4.0
The aim of the awareness webinar has been to promote the transfer of knowledge on 4.0 technologies for companies, mainly SMEs, active in the Naval Industry, shipbuilding and related supply chain. In detail the seminar focused on potential applications of the 4.0 technologies, with a particular attention to the potential applications of the Additive Manufacturing and new Materials for the Innovative Design, Customization and Product Innovation. The seminar purpose was also to collect companies’ feedbacks, experiences and needs with regard to 4.0 technologies and, accordingly, to illustrate them the opportunities offered by the project, and the FUTURE 4.0 platform as well, for the acquisition and transformation of knowledge related to most relevant KETs to be applied for process and product innovation. During the webinar it was firstly presented the FUTURE 4.0 project, the 6 KETs technologies selected in the Analysis phase, the applied Card Game Analysis as tested methodology and the project main purpose, in terms of opportunities and experimental actions for supporting the implementation and the acquisition of one or more technologies into companies operating in the naval industry, the shipbuilding and the related supply boosting in this way the innovation and competitiveness of the sector. The main focus has been then on the potential applications of 4.0 technologies, with a particular attention to Additive Manufacturing for the Innovative Design of Product. At this regard the Galielo Visonary District R&D experts proposed the integrated approach “Design – Technology Transfer – Materials” by illustrating a Galileo recovery project of a Venetian ferry boat through the adoption of 4.0 technologies and new materials for innovative design and the valorisation of Venetian excellence. The starting point of the project has been the need to combine the classic and unique Venetian style with the modern one, in order to select technologies enabling the ferry boat aesthetic valorisation and, at the same time, a complete and unique customer experience of passengers. It was then be studied the revision of the interior architecture of the ferry boat by analysing and considering innovative furniture, lighting and smart materials available according to new frontiers of technology (smart glazing, surfaces, electrochromic materials, modern coverings, materials and fabrics for acoustic and thermal well-being, hydro repellent fabrics). As conclusion Claudio Beltrame – SIAV ICT Manger showed the FUTURE 4.0 platform and its functionalities, especially for Learners, with a focus on Additive Manufacturing contents as supporting tool providing know how and materials at companies’ disposal.
Participants’ companies
In the webinar were involved mainly companies which belong to the supply chain of the shipbuilding and naval industry, such as: Veneto Vetro SRL, leader in the industrial process of glass processing operating in the nautical, naval, architecture and interior design; O’Creations – one of the most important Italian companies in the architectural lighting design industry, specialized in the design, build and manufacturing of bespoke decorative and contract light fittings installation for the naval sector (cruise ships and luxury vessels); Plastitex -leader in the development of ultra-performing technical fabrics for indoor, outdoor and design furniture; Biko Meccanica Srl with consolidated experience in the design and manufacturing of machines and plants for the conversion of flexible materials; MCA DIGITAL one of first retailer active in Italy specialised in small and large format digital solutions (from printing systems to equipment, from consumables to software) and MHT Srl and Engineering 365 specialised in services and solutions based on the Microsoft technology platform by designing, developing and managing innovative solutions for the business areas where digitisation generates the greatest changes. Two relevant companies operating in the naval and shipbuilding fields also participated: Monte Carlo Yatchs which is leader in the production of luxury yachts and SHIP & BOAT SRL specialised in the design, engineering and management for shipowners and shipyards.
Some feedbacks
Most of participants believe that the integrated approach Design – Technologies 4.0 – Materials can be partially replicated and taken as a point of reference for supporting the product innovation process. They gained advantages by the participation to the activity being inspired by new ideas, in particular some information, knowledge and know how related to Additive Manufacturing and innovative materials could find concrete applications in shipbuilding and naval industry. In their opinion the Augmented reality and the use of VR can surely play a key role in contributing into a more effective user/customer experience. The companies belonging to the shipbuilding and naval industry had the possibility to better understand the main design trends and the related future potential developments; in detail the glass technology and new materials resulted very interesting for participants. For them many indications and suggestions, especially in relation to different materials and their use can really open unexplored horizons to different designers. In general, the transfer of knowledge on 4.0 technologies, proposed by the FUTURE 4.0 project, is considered useful for companies active in the shipbuilding and shipbuilding sector and the related supply chain. Unfortunately, some 4.0 technologies, are still too expensive for small shipyards and naval realties. Finally, all participants expressed positive feedbacks on FUTURE 4.0 Platform, as useful tool supporting the transfer of knowledge om 4.0.
Veneto region, Italy
Galileo Technological and Scientific Park (Padua)
Project Manager for the Design Division - Galileo R&D District and Chemical Engineer at MaTech
Project & Account Manager for Design Division - Galileo R&D District and Coordinator of SID creActive LAB
Experts’ profiles
Naval Architect, specialized in Interior Design, Yacht Design and Industrial Design and Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design at different Universities
Mechanical Engineer, Architect-building Engineer and Management Engineer, Polytechnic of Bari
Confindustria Veneto SIAV
Additive Manufacturing & Innovative materials